The Forms of Local Islamic Culture in the Book “Membaca Indonesia” for Beginners at TISOL UIN Surakarta
Mastery of language plays a crucial role in understanding how the society communicates, and observing culture is a way of appreciating the uniqueness and differences in every environment and place. The local Islamic culture is a part of the culture that should be known by TISOL (Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages) learners at PTKIN (Islamic Higher Education Institution). One of the approaches taken by the TISOL institution at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta (UIN Surakarta) to introduce local Islamic culture is through TISOL books that contained local Islamic cultural values. This research aims to describe the diversity of local Islamic culture in Indonesia within the TISOL book "Membaca Indonesia" for beginners (A1 and A2). The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The data source in this research is documents, specifically the TISOL book "Membaca Indonesia" for beginners (A1 and A2). The data collection technique used is content analysis. The data validity technique in this research uses triangulation theory. The data analysis technique used is interactive data analysis. The results of the research indicate that within the book "Membaca Indonesia" for beginners (A1 and A2), there are four forms of local Islamic culture categorized as mentifact culture, four forms of socio-cultural aspects, and two of which are categorized as local Islamic culture: pilgrimage and festive celebrations, and four forms of cultural artifacts. Studying culture is essentially exploring how cultural meanings are symbolically expressed in language as a sign system.
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