Social Studies Education in Elementary Schools Through Contextual REACT-Based on Environment and Sociopreneur

Salati Asmahasanah, I Ibdalsyah, Maemunah Sa’diyah


This study aims to find out the learning profile of Social Education Science in elementary school, to know the effectiveness process through contextual of the REACT principle (Relative, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, And Transferring) and awareness of love environmental on Social Education Science in Elementary School, as an effort to learn innovation to improve process quality and result Learning of Social Education Science in an effort to instill a culture of love environment since primary education. The method used is qualitative descriptive, consisting of data reduction, display data, conclusion, and verification, which is done in an interactive form with data collection process as a continuous process, repeatedly, and continuously to form a cycle. This study finds that the application of environmental based contextual of the REACT principle can improve the quality of social education in elementary school as evidenced by the results of student learning increased significantly. Contextual of the REACT principle as one of the innovations in learning of  Social Education Science in Elementary School able to shape the attitude of loving the environment, deepen students' understanding and develop togetherness attitude and sociopreneur (social soul and entrepreneurship). Cultural cultivation of love environment since primary education through vegetable gardening in the school yard is a meaningful learning for students.


Contextual REACT; Environment; Social Education Science; Sociopreneur

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