Increasing the Creativity of Early Childhood Education (Paud) Educators Through Steam and Loose Part Learning Training in Malang City
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) is an educational service aimed at children between the ages of 0-6 years. STEAM learning encourages young children to explore their abilities in a personalized manner. This approach also promotes collaborative work, which enhances children's development. Learning during early childhood can be facilitated through loose part-based STEAM learning, which combines play and educational elements. The implementation of loose parts carefully considers objects and environments that foster learning connections and stimulate creative thinking. This community service activity adopts a sharing and caring approach, employing various methods such as training, workshops, discussions, on-the-job training, consultation, and evaluation. Overall, the service activity resulted in an improved understanding among the participants after receiving the training. The implementation of activities led to several outcomes, including: (a) increased creativity of educators, assessed through portfolios; (b) enhanced knowledge of STEAM learning among educators; (c) understanding of the Loose Part method, measured through performance; and (d) improved ability of educators to explore children's potential and create diverse play experiences.
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