Actualization of Prophetic Values in Literature Education: A Study on Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education in University
The purpose of this research is to examine the prophetic values in the literature learning process and describe the results of implementing prophetic values in the education of Indonesian language and literature students. The data collection techniques used are interviews and observations. The approach used is descriptive qualitative and the research is conducted in the field. This research describes the data or events that are the focus, namely the character implemented in the interaction between lecturers and students during the learning process. The results of this research are the actualization of prophetic values in literacy learning in the form of behavior and speech. In literature learning related to behavior, several behaviors that indicate the actualization of prophetic values towards lecturers and students are found, including: a) arriving on time, demonstrating discipline in fulfilling tasks and responsibilities, b) polite and friendly attitude, which is a form of actualizing prophetic values in carrying out responsibilities as an Indonesian literature lecturer, c) motivating students to become hardworking individuals for a brighter future, d) organizing teaching materials based on research findings. In literature learning related to speech, several speeches that indicate the actualization of prophetic values towards lecturers and students are found, including a) Opening prayer with "Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh," which means "May peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you from Allah," b) expressions that convey wonders related to imagination, feelings of sadness, joy, and admiration, and c) closing remarks expressing gratitude, praying, and bidding farewell. These speeches contain the hope that today's learning outcomes will have a far greater and more meaningful impact in the future.
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