Nationalism Values of Characters in Nh. Dini’s Novels

Hana Agustyaningrum, Herman Herman, J Waluyo, Sumarwati Sumarwati


Nationalism values from the attitude of the majority of young people today have declined. Therefore, nationalism is one of the values in strengthening character education which has been intensified so far by the government. This study aimed to describe the nationalism values contained in Nh. Dini’s novels. The data in this study were three novels by Nh. Dini entitled Jepun Negerinya Hiroko (Japan is Hiroko’s Country), Pada Sebuah Kapal (On A Ship), and Keberangkatan (Departure). Purposive sampling was used in this study as the sampling technique. The data collection technique used was documentation. The data were analysed using the interactive analysis technique. The result obtained from this study is the existence of nationalism in the forms of love for the homeland, willingness to sacrifice, and preserving the richness of the nation’s cultures in the three novels of Nh. Dini.


Nationalism, Novel, Nh. Dini

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