Code Mixing in Novel Anak Rantau by Ahmad Fuadi (Sociolinguistic Study)

Riyan Terna Kuswanto, Muhammad Rohmadi, Slamet Supriyadi


The bilingual and multilingual background of Indonesian community makes Indonesians able to speak at least in two languages. Due to the influence of globalization and the entry of foreign culture, many Padang people, especially Minang tribes, interact by mixing languages in their daily life interactions. This study describes and explains the code mixing contained in Anak Rantau novel by Ahmad Fuadi. This research is a qualitative research using content analysis strategy. Data collection technique used is documentation technique using sociolinguistic theory. The sources of the data in this study are the texts quoted from the novel Anak Rantau. The results of the analysis show that there are two types of code mixing commonly used by the Minang tribe community. The internal code mixing is mixing it with elements that are originated from the original or cognate language. External code mixing is the one which its elements are from a foreign language.


Literature Works; Mixed Code; Sociolinguistics; Anak Rantau

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