Co-delivery Shelter-Based Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in Makassar City

Fadiah Fadiah, Mohammad Thahir Haning, Alwi Alwi, Muhammad Rusdi, Muh Akmal Ibrahim


Collaboration between communities and professional workers in creative, innovative, and collaborating ways is to create better public services. The residents' shelter program is a program initiated with the aim of bringing services closer to the community. The purpose of this research is to discuss co-delivery of Shelter-Based Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in Makassar City. The research was analyzed using a qualitative approach, the primary research data source was obtained from in-depth interviews with informants and secondary data from document review. Data analysis begins with describing it, synthesizing it, compiling it, selecting what is important, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that co-delivery of the residents' shelter program in Makassar City has been running but has become less prioritized after another program was initiated, thus demanding residents' shelters to add activities but with an inadequate operational budget. It is suggested to relevant stakeholders to make capacity building efforts for residents' shelter administrators in improving women's and children's protection services, as well as optimizing the operational budget of residents' shelters.


Public Service; Community Empowerment; Violence Prevention

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