Crimes against the Environment
The environment is everything that surrounds us and all of us must protect it, it is the one in which man develops his life activity and without it he could not exist, but in recent years societies around the world and in our country are facing major problems regarding the environment such as: pollution, destruction of ecosists, indiscriminate use of natural resources, etc. The people, focusing daily on making money and personal income for him, is circumventing care for the environment and nature. With air, water, land pollution, damage and gradually endangering and destroying animal and plant ecosystems. As well as in Kosovo, the tide of environmental pollution and systematically destruction of healthy and clean environments has been observed for years. In Albania, cases of environmental pollution are endless, when from day to day the environment is being destroyed. Crimes against the environment (nature) are a form of white collar crime called a green-hat crime. This kind of environmental crime around us worldwide is on the rise. With the construction of many factories, thermal power plants, hydropower plants, etc. are also bringing major pollution to the environment that are a problem for many different countries and states to protect the environment, and consequently all states are issuing at all times the right legal provisions to protect the environment, to prevent and combat crimes against environment which are posing great concern to society.
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