Reformed Theology and Church Reformation Always Happening and Will Never End

Stevri P.N.Indra Lumintang, Muner Daliman


The study aimed to declare several philosophical, theological, biblical and historical arguments regarding reformed theology and church reformation that is always happening and will never end. The author uses a qualitative approach with a content analysis method to achieve this purpose. Content analysis is a research technique to make conclusions based on text or content analysis in writing and systematically. Based on this analysis method, it was found that reformed theology and church reformation are two things that cannot be separated as ideas, agenda and work of God. God is unchanging and sovereign, so only He spells it out through His reformation tools. Therefore, reformed theology and church reformation always occur in His time and will never end. This goal is significant to awaken and dynamize theologians and church leaders who are called to be used as tools of church reformation through reformed theology in the 21st century.


Reformed; Reformation; Theology; Church; Content Analysis

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