The Failure of Petrochemical Industries in the Oil Economy with a Special View on the Field of Human Resources Management
Today, the acceptable issue in the mind of public is human development. Humans are known as the goals, the means, and the guarantors of development. The human resource system is the advantaging resource in organizations that should be evaluated in order to be transformed to the actual resources. The human resources are considered as the main capital of organizations due to having thought capacity, creativity, and innovation, it has been also considered as the essential agent of production in organizations, as the efficieny would be possible by them. In recent years, human capital has become as the most important advatages in industries; however, there are also some theoretical ambiguities in determining components in terms of qualitative promotions of human capital, these complexities are due to the lack of comprehensive model. Therefore, it has been perceived that the qualitative promotion of human resource in oil and petrochemical industries have a paradigm model. The general complexity of the oil industry and the specific complexity of project-oriented organizations have challenged the establishment of a balance between the two permanent parts of oil industry companies and their projects. Human capital, oil rents, degree of trade openness, and energy intensity are the most important reasons for the difference in total factor productivity in East and West Asian countries. Human capital and oil rents in West Asia have caused a decrease in TFP, while human capital in East Asia has led to an increase in TFP. This article has been done with a descriptive-library method in order to find out the reasons for the failure of petrochemical industries in the oil economy with a special view to the field of human resource management.
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