Relationship of Knowledge and Attitudes with Cervical Cancer Prevention Behavior in Early-Age Married Mothers

Nurlina Subair, Andi Alim


Cervical cancer usually appears in mothers who marry at an early age. This role must be balanced with knowledge, attitudes and good behaviour. This study aims to determine the knowledge and attitudes of cervical cancer prevention behaviour in mothers who marry at an early age. Cross-sectional analytical research method. The study population was 40 people, the sample was taken by total sampling. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test with a significance level of p <α (0.05). The results of this study found that there was a significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes with cervical cancer prevention behaviour with p = 0.022 and p = 0.047, respectively. Lack of cervical cancer prevention behaviour in married mothers at an early age can lead to cervical cancer. The lack of cervical cancer prevention behaviour is due to a lack of knowledge about cervical cancer prevention so that it does not produce a positive attitude. To reduce the incidence of cervical cancer in mothers who marry at an early age, it is hoped that the participation of health workers, especially nursing personnel, to provide education about cervical cancer prevention.


Knowledge; Attitude; Behavior; Cervical Cancer; Indonesia

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