Aesthetic Value of Padduppa Bugis-Makassar Dance as a Guest Welcoming Dance in South Sulawesi
The aesthetic value of Padduppa Bugis-Makassar Dance as a guest welcoming dance in South Sulawesi. Padduppa dance is a traditional dance originating from the Bugis-Makassar tribe. Padduppa Bugis-Makassar dance as a welcoming dance in South Sulawesi. Padduppa dance is a dance that illustrates that the Bugis people have guests or can be said to be a welcome dance from the Bugis tribe as a sign of gratitude and honor. Padduppa dance comes from the Bugis language, duppa, which means meeting, picking up or meeting. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetics contained in Padduppa Dance as a guest welcoming dance. Studied from the form of dance presentation, dance supporting elements and messages conveyed and the aesthetic value of Bugis-Makassar society contained in the dance. The research method used is a qualitative research method with an aesthetic approach and a choreographic approach. The results showed that initially Padduppa dance was only danced specifically to entertain kings and great guests at traditional parties and wedding parties. Padduppa dance could only be danced by women of noble descent. But over time this dance has shifted. The dance can be performed at any event, whether welcoming guests, circumcision, wedding parties, opening events and other activities. Padduppa dance can also be danced and enjoyed by anyone outside of noble descent. The aesthetic value of Padduppa dance can be seen from the form, content and appearance of Padduppa dance performances.
Keywords: Aesthetic Value; Padduppa Dance; Welcoming Guests.
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