Settlement of Land Disputes Through Traditional Law in the Sentani Traditional Community of Jayapura Regency
This research is entitled "Land Dispute Resolution Through Customary Law in Indigenous Peoples of the Sentani Tribe, Jayapura Regency", in the background of the many cases of land disputes that must be resolved by spending a lot of time and even spending a lot of money until they have to be resolved in court. The purpose of this research is to find a way to settle land disputes according to customary law. The approach used in this research is normative and empirical. That is, a survey that refers to laws, library materials, procedures, or other secondary legal materials and confirms their application through field research. The results of this study reveal that the settlement of land disputes through customary law in the Sentani Tribe community is pursued by peaceful means or through non-litigation channels by means of mediation or customary deliberations in order to avoid protracted problems in their settlement and can even cost a lot of money if taken through this route. Litigation or trial. In addition to customary land dispute resolution, this can also be resolved through mediation and negotiation is often possible. In this negotiation process, voluntary dispute resolution between the disputing parties takes place face-to-face to reach an agreement that is acceptable to both parties.
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