Creative Learning in Painting Guidance for Children Sanggar Seni Omah Ndeso Sleman

Berlianingtyas Anisa Dali, Kun Setyaning Astuti


This study aims to describe the creative learning and children's art creativity at Sanggar Seni Omah nDeso. This research is a descriptive with a qualitative approach. The object of this research is painting lesson and its creativity. The subjects of this research are the facilitator and children who joined the painting lesson at Sanggar Seni Omah nDeso. The data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. To check the validity of the data obtained by using triangulation techniques. Data analysis techniques used analyzing data, data reduction, and conclusions. The results showed that: (1) How the facilitator teaches creatively and teaching for creativity in painting lessons for children at Sanggar Seni Omah nDeso. Creative teaching in this study means used alternative media to support children's creativity in painting and provide new experiences for children to explore, adapt to the new media so that they can make an artwork. As teaching for creativity, is painting lesson which is carried out using the free creation and motivational coaching method. Both of these methods can foster and develop creativity for children because children have freedom to express their feelings; (2) Creativity in painting guidance can be seen in the children's artworks. Painting lesson that is flexible can lead to creativity, besides that the environment must be support to the creative process. Children's artworks have their own uniqueness and characteristics according to their character and age development phase.


Teach Creatively; Teaching; Creativity; Painting

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