Lilik Nurkhamid's Creative Process in Creating Painting Works in Tuban East Java
Creativity is a potential possessed by every human being in the world. Creating works of art cannot be separated from things related to creativity. Lilik Nurkhamid is an artist from Tuban who continues to create works of art. He also continues to be active in organizing art exhibitions to this day. The purpose of this research is to find out what is the source of Lilik Nurkhamid's inspiration, what is Lilik Nurkhamid's creative process in creating paintings and what are the visual forms of Lilik Nurkhamid's paintings with case studies of the paintings of Sahita Andaru, Dewa Ruci, and Aksmala Bambangtetuka. To get the answer, data collection was carried out using the method of observation and interviews with several sources, namely Lilik Nurkhamid as the main data source. After conducting research, it is known that her experiences are the main source of inspiration for Lilik Nurkhamid in creating works of art. The stages of the creative process that Lilik Nurkhamid went through in creating a painting include the idea stage, the idea processing stage, the preparation stage, the formation stage and the last stage of finishing. The visuals of her paintings represent the various life experiences that Lilik Nurkhamid has had.
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