People’s Satisfaction Level with the Service Issuance of Police Note Certificate
This article discusses and analyses the level of public satisfaction with the Police Record Certificate (SKCK) service quality given by the SKCK service unit at the Regional Police Station (Polres) level as a public service provider. In accordance with Law Number 25 of 2009 Governing Public Services, every public service provider must match the community's expectations for acquiring services. Therefore, public services provided by the SKCK service unit at the Polres level are obligated to continue enhancing their services in accordance with minimal sector standards and innovation. The method employed in this paper is empirical legal research employing a qualitative survey methodology. This study also employs interview and desk review techniques. Based on survey data, the level of community satisfaction with SKCK services was very high, with a national average score of 88.36 on the community satisfaction index for SKCK services at the Polres level. The highest score was 11.92 for the complaint management, suggestions, and input aspects, followed by 11.16 for the implementing competencies element and 11.09 for the requirements element. Social media, electronic media, and print media can be used extensively to increase the socialization of police services, particularly SKCK services so that the public can easily obtain service information. Improving the competency of police officers, particularly in the SKCK sector, must also be a continual effort to enhance the quality of community service.
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