Blue Economy Zone Development Strategy Using the Pentahelix Approach

Novi Theresia Kiak, Marselina Ratu


This study aims to analyze the blue economy area development strategy using the pentahelix approach in Sulamu District. This study uses primary data through interviews with 8 informants who are officials of the Kupang district government, village officials, and the community, using Analytical Network Process (ANP) analysis. The results of the study show that the priority factors in the development of the Blue economy in Sulamu District are environmental (0.00244), social (0.00188) and economic (0.00056) sequentially. While the priority role of pentahelix in the development of the Blue economy sequentially is the role of the government (0.000369), the role of academia (0.000183), the role of the private sector (0.000169), the role of the media (0.000033), the role of society (0.000016) . Some of the blue economy development strategies with the pentahelix approach that can become input for the Kupang district government are developing the National Fish Logistics system program, increasing business cooperation through partnerships, developing regional economies based on large pelagic capture fisheries technology, developing export-oriented aquaculture with commodities featured include shrimp, lobster, crab, and seaweed; and development of aquaculture villages in accordance with local wisdom to alleviate poverty while protecting high-value economic commodities from extinction with a blue economy strategy.


Strategy; Blue Economy; Pentahelix

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