Strengthening Students' Historical Awareness in History Learning in High School Through Inquiry Method

Yunitasari Rusvitaningrum, Leo Agung S, Sudiyanto Sudiyanto


This article focuses on strengthening students' historical awareness in learning history in high school through the inquiry method. The purpose of this study was to identify the strengthening of students' historical awareness through the inquiry method. Data is obtained through documents of books, journals, theses, proceedings, and websites that relate to the object of research and then analyzed with text analysis techniques. The results showed the inquiry method was very helpful to make history teaching more interesting, showed students that the facts existed and also gave students the opportunity to actively participate in history lessons and students were encouraged to act actively looking for answers to the problems they faced and draw conclusions itself through a process of scientific thinking that is critical, systematic and logical so that historical awareness that had previously grown stronger.


History; Historical Awareness; History Learning; Inquiry Method

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