The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Models of Type Peer Tutor and Two Stay Two Stray in Junior High Schools Reviewed From Students Physics Learning Activities

Luki Agustianto, Soeparmi Soeparmi, Nonoh Siti A


The focus of this article is on the effectiveness of the cooperative learning models in Peer Tutor and Two Stay Two Stray high schools in terms of students' physics learning activities. The purpose of this study was to identify how effective the cooperative learning models were Peer Tutor and Two Stay Two Stray junior in high schools. Data obtained in journal writing comes from international and national journals, book documents, proceedings, thesis articles, and websites that relate to the object of research and then analyzed using text analysis techniques. The results showed that the cooperative learning models were Peer Tutor and Two Stay Two Stray suitable for junior high school students considering that this age was a transitional period. from concrete times to formal times. The task of being a tutor in this peer tutoring learning model is that they (the tutors) must try to get new relationships and relationships that are strong with peers, find their own role, and develop intellectual and social skills. While the learning model is Two Stay Two Stray also very easy to apply in all levels of class, especially for learning Physics in junior high because basically like a discussion group. Both learning models can be used effectively in all subjects, especially physics and for all ages, students, especially in junior high schools, so that students' physical learning activities are more optimal.


Physics; Physics Learning; Physics Learning Activities; Peer Tutor; Two Stay Two Stray

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