Conditional Criminal Conviction in the Perspective of Eradicating Corruption

Aan Dwi Satriyo Yudho, Siti Marwiyah


Corruption is a global problem. Currently, corruption is more understandable by various parties than eradicating it, even though corruption is one type of crime that can touch various interests related to human rights, state ideology, economy, state finances, national morals, and so on, which is evil behavior that tends to be difficult to deal with. This research is dotted with reviewing and reviewing the rules regarding conditional sentences that apply in Indonesia. In this study, researchers will use a normative type of research, namely normative research, namely legal research that puts the law as a building of a norm system. The norm system in question is about the principles, norms, rules of laws and regulations, court decisions, and doctrines. Corruption crimes regulate Criminal Threats that allow Conditional Crimes to be applied in this case. Unfortunately, application of conditional crime for corruption cases that are sentenced to probation, or imposed conditional sentences, of course, it greatly hurts the sense of justice of the community besides that criminal convictions in corruption crimes should be applied without any tolerance for Corruptors because corruption crimes are extraordinary crimes, so corruption needs to be dealt with in extraordinary ways as well.


Corruption; Criminal Law; Conditional Sentence

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