Criminal Acts of Circulating Cosmetics Without a Distribution Permit and Not Meeting the Standards of Safety Requirements

Satria Agung Mujib Permana Putra, Wahyu Prawesthi


In general, women are interested in buying cosmetic products at low prices and the results look faster. There are two types of illegal cosmetics, namely cosmetics without a distribution permit (TIE) and fake cosmetics. Less strict law enforcement causes business actors to feel unable to circulate dangerous cosmetics that do not have a distribution permit. Fines that are not too heavy for small business actors also make law enforcement not afraid of these business actors. This study aims to understand and analyze the provisions of permits to distribute cosmetics in accordance with the standard safety requirements applicable in Indonesia. This research uses normative legal research methods, namely research methods that refer to legal norms to understand the application of legal norms related to cosmetic safety requirements standards.


Criminal Acts; Cosmetics; Distribution

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