Teacher's Perception in the Application of HOTS-Based Historical Learning Assessment

Meike Imbar, Darmawan Edi Winoto, Tira Umbanu


This study aims to Analyze teachers' perception of application appraisal deep HOTS-based learning history. This study is qualitative and quantitative descriptive. Respondent, a history teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Modayag, results study Implementation Learning HOTS based start applied since curriculum 2013. That demands teachers to equip one of the students with the ability to think level tall or HOTS. Emphasis was main in forming HOTS, i.e., in the learning process using the Student Center Learning (SCL) model. Participant students who follow activity learning using the SCL model will have the ability to think taller than participants who do not follow it. The HOTS evaluation used by the teacher uses mandatory questions about student useability and high thinking level. On the other hand, teachers discussion with ben other history teachers discuss the ability of students and the obstacles they face in the implementation evaluation of learning HOTS based is the ability of the teacher who is still not yet completely understand the use of HOTS and also be obstacles meant full school not yet sufficient


Teacher's Perception; HOTS; Historical Learning

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i4.4443


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