Protection of Victims of Deep Fake Pornography in a Legal Perspective in Indonesia

Isnaini Imroatus Solichah, Faizin Sulistio, Milda Istiqomah


Deepfake containing pornographic elements is a phenomenon of sexual violence in which the majority of victims are women. This is because pornographic content is generally created by and for male viewers. In some cases, celebrities are the first and foremost targets for victims of these pornographic deepfakes. The reason why they are celebrities is because their photos and videos are so easy to come by. However, pornographic deepfake victims are no longer limited to celebrities and public figures, anyone can become a pornographic deepfake victim. Nowadays it's easier for perpetrators to steal photos of victims, especially through social media, the greater the opportunity for misuse in the form of making deepfakes. Victims of deepfake pornography are victims of sexual violence. Victims are the ones who suffer the most because manipulated photos and videos can change the way others see them. This can encourage bullying from the community. Victims of sexual violence are affected mentally and emotionally and are not easily cured. Depression, flashbacks to traumatic events, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are hard to escape Victims of sexual violence really need psychological assistance to help them recover, because the deep wounds they feel can lead them to self-harm. Meanwhile, AI deviations, especially through pornographic deepfake technology, In Indonesia, there are no laws or regulations that specifically regulate the characteristics of offenses, criminal sanctions for perpetrators, and legal protection for victims of AI abuse crimes through pornographic deepfake technology. Regulatory conditions that have not regulated optimally and are even empty will of course affect the law enforcement process, both preventive and repressive in nature. Law as a tool for social reform (a tool of social engineering) should be able to pave the way for developments that occur in society.


Deep Fake; Pornography; Protection

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