The Influence of Brand Image and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions of Packaged Drinking Water in Liquiça District, DILi – Timor Leste
This study aims to determine whether brand image (X1) and product quality (X2) have an effect on the purchasing decision-making process (Y) on Purchase of Bottled Water Brand B5 Liquica District by using the variable identification research method with purposive sampling. Respondents used were B5 drinking water customers as many as 150 respondents. Based on the results of the study Y = 14.451 + 0.168 X1 + 0.241X2, which means that the purchase decision is influenced by a constant (14.451), while the most influential independent variable is product quality (0.241), followed by brand image (0.168). Testing the hypothesis using the t test which shows that all independent variables, namely brand image and product quality, have a positive effect on the dependent variable, namely the purchase decision to Purchase Packaged Drinking Water Brand B5 Liquiça District. The results of the f test show that brand image and product quality have a positive effect simultaneously on purchasing decisions. The R square number obtained is 0.587 which means that 58.7% of purchasing decisions are influenced by brand image and product quality variables, while the remaining 41.3% is determined by other variables not discussed in this study.
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