Legal Certainty of Geographical Indications in Java Robusta Coffee Raung Gumitir Jember in the Perspective of Islamic Law
Coffee which is one of the superior products and has a place on the international market and there needs to be certainty about geographical indications which have been adopted in Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications, aims to protect the rights of the actual brand holders from acts of using the brand without permission from the actual brand rights holder. Ownership of geographical indications is absolute ownership in Islam, but protection according to Islamic law and law is dependent on the community's understanding in coffee management of the quality, reputation and characteristics attached to it. The Regional Government and various parties are trying to promote and market Robusta Java Raung Gumitir Coffee products, but in order to increase economic value and dominate market share, efforts must be made to register geographical indications so that each producer has legal certainty guarantees regarding the rights to the mark. The researcher is interested in taking the title "Legal Certainty of Geographical Indications in Java Robusta Coffee Raung Gumitir Jember in the Perspective of Islamic Law", with the aim of the research to provide benefits to the people of Jember Regency who are predominantly Muslim regarding Intellectual Property Rights of geographical indications according to Islamic law and National Law. This research uses normative legal research, with statutory and conceptual approaches. Drawing conclusions from the results of research using deductive analysis methods.
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