Discourse Study of Zozibini Tunzi’s Speech in Miss Universe 2019: A New Approach to Women Leadership
There is a particularly long tradition of argument about women's leadership and existence in society. This became triggered by Zozi Tunzi’s speech for her coronation in the Miss Universe 2019, Atlanta Georgia, USA. As a women leader and educational advocate from South Africa, she shows the importance of “taking up space” for women. This research purpose is to analyse how Zozi’s speech impact in women leadership and women participation in the middle of “society has labelled women to be”. This article is using secondary data from Zozi’s speech, Miss Universe official website and media platform by qualitative descriptive. The study will show the changes in pageant patterns as a tool for building the resilience of women's leadership.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i1.4373
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