The Influence of Psychological Capital, Organizational Commitment & Transformational Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Role of Moderation of Emotional Intelligence (Study on Bank Employees in Mataram City)
This study aims to analyze and determine the significance of the influence of psychological capital, Organizational commitment, and Transformational leadership on Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and the role of Emotional intelligence moderation, on banking employees in Mataram City. This type of research is causal associative. The total population is 1090. This study uses a purposive sampling method in the sample. The number of respondents is as many as 92 people. Data were collected by online surveys, interviews, and documentation and then analyzed through the SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) application. The results showed that psychological capital had a positive and significant effect on OCB, Organizational commitment had a positive and significant effect on OCB, Transformational leadership had a positive and significant effect on OCB, and Emotional intelligence moderated the influence of psychological capital, Organizational commitment and Transformational leadership on OCB positively and significantly.
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