Traditional Government System in Tanimbar

Aksilas Dasfordate, Darmawan Edi Winoto


Tanimbar, in this paper, is a group of islands located in the southeastern part of the Maluku archipelago. Historically, the Tanimbar Islands were originally uninhabited. Therefore the mention of the name Tanimbar was based on considerations relating to the origins of the people who inhabited these islands. According to Marc Blotches, the study uses research steps in the historical method. The collection of research data using document studies, namely, studying archives, books, and research results and publications related to the problem under study. The data analysis technique applies the third research step: grouping data by (a) generalizing or (b) categorizing facts according to the problem under study. Results show that the implementation of the traditional government system in Tanimbar during the New Order era always referred to the values of Tanimbar-style democratic life, namely duan and flies. However, these democratic values remained in the corridors of governance during the New Order era. One of the factors that caused the traditional government system to survive in the Tanimbar Islands during the New Order era was that the Tanimbar people were indigenous people who always adhered to traditional values and traditions of society based on adat duan and lolat. The impact of community service by using the traditional government system in Tanimbar runs according to the provisions of government in Indonesia in general. However, it was acknowledged that there were certain matters the traditional government system in Tanimbar could not accommodate because they had become customary provisions.


Tanimbar; Government System; Duan-Lolat

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