Interactive Multimedia with Episodic Mapping Strategy for Teaching Short Story Writing to Grade XI
Hemas Haryas Harja Susetya, Tadkiroatun Musfiroh
This research was conducted to find out the results of the initial trials of interactive multimedia for learning to write short stories for eleventh grade high school students. This research is a development research that refers to the step of Borg & Gall's development model, which is carried out through several stages, namely: (1) needs analysis, (2) planning, (3) the development of several initial products, and (4) trials. The subject of field trials was 15 students. Data was collected by questionnaire of product trials to determine the response of students after using interactive multimedia in learning to write short stories developed. The results of the research are as follows: (1) The needs include the availability of learning media to write short stories that are new, interesting, appropriate, facilitate and motivate students to carry out short story writing learning. The weakness of students is that they are less able to find and develop ideas into several good paragraphs. The desire of teachers and students is the existence of learning media that can help students in writing short stories. (2) This interactive multimedia development product consists of short story text material. This strategy episodic mapping can really help students develop ideas because in this episodic mapping students are guided to determine intrinsic elements in short stories. (3) The final product fulfills the qualification of product feasibility as indicated by the results of the student response questionnaire that interactive multimedia with strategy episodic mapping is developed on the aspect of display quality in the "good" category with a score of 4.00, on the quality aspect of product presentation with the category "good "Score 4.00, and product benefits with a score of 4.3" good "category. From the results of interactive multimedia validation with strategy episodic mapping for learning to write short stories, it is very helpful for students to write short stories. Interactive multimedia with this strategy episodic mapping can be an alternative source of learning in writing short stories.
Interactive Multimedia; Episodic Mapping Strategy; Short Story Writing
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