Work Discipline Influenced by Work Motivation

Faizal Sandry, Ali Muhson, Riyanto Efendi


Work discipline is an attitude that must be instilled by a worker in the world of work. Work discipline is influenced by various factors such as work motivation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work motivation on one's work discipline. This research methodology is ex post facto with a quantitative approach. Respondents in this study amounted to 40 employees of PT Tirta Kencana Tata Warna (Avian Brands) Bengkulu who were taken by total sampling technique. Methods of data analysis in research using regression analysis. The results of this study are as follows; work motivation has a significant effect on work discipline, where work motivation has a 40.2% effect on work discipline while the remaining 59.8% is influenced by other variables outside this study.


Work Discipline; Work Motivation

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