WALULANG Sangang Candra as an Idea of Creating Mix Media Performance

Dwi Adi Nugroho, Trisno Santoso


This artwork creation research is entitled: “Walulang”; Sangang Candra as an Idea of Creating Collaborated Puppet, Dance, and Karawitan Performance or “Wayang Ngluru Piwulang”, building on the cultural teachings in Javanese classical advice. Sangang Candra tells about the fetal life for nine months in the womb viewed from Javanese people perspective as the source of art work creation inspiration. The creation perspective focuses on the collaborative performance of shadow puppet (Wayang kulit bayangan), wayang golek, dance, and karawitan. Work creation was done using Roland Barthes’ semiotic concept to see the Javanese philosophical content by identifying denotative, connotative meanings, and myth. Work creation results in mix media performance entitled Walulang (Wayang Ngluru Piwulang), telling about the story of Bratasena’s birth from the process before his parents’ marriage to his birth to the world.         


Sangang Candra; Mix Media Performance; Semiotics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i1.4306


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