Strategies in Online ELT for Young Learners During Covid-19 Pandemic
Some pros and cons appear in the implementation of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The pros came from health considerations and the use of technology parallel with global demand. On the other hand, some cons came from the problems in the field, especially the challenges experienced by the English teacher when it comes to online teaching. This research explores the challenges and opportunities of online English language teaching (ELT) for young learners during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia to propose possible teaching strategies. It is found that the teacher could do some strategies to minimise the challenges in online teaching mode in terms of teacher's proficiency development, technology, activities, and parents’ collaboration. This study follows a narrative research design. Five primary English teachers in Indonesia were chosen as the participants through purposive sampling. The data was gathered through in-depth interviews and analysed using qualitative data analysis design. This study might be valuable for practitioners, policymakers, student-teachers, and researchers with the same interest in ELT, TEYL, and online teaching.
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