How the Company That Develops Innovation and Digital Technology Encourages the Gender Equality in Indonesia: Shopeefood as a Case Study

Nadhif Fadhlan Musyaffa, Muhammad Dhiauddin Ahnaf, Nur Azizah, Rani Dian Iswari


The massive of technology use has increased the number of online motorcycle taxi service industries. However, that issue has created a gender inequality problem, and that is sexual abuse risk at work, especially among female workers. But, the company, named Shopeefood made a different system in developing online service industries, by only providing food-delivery online service. This research used a qualitative method using feminism as a concept. The data used in this article are primary and secondary data. The primary data contains official and ministerial data of the Republic of Indonesia. And the secondary data contains scientific articles, news, books, and other library data. The author aims to analyze how the company that developed the new way of online transportation service could promote gender equality among workers. The author found that Shopeefood which has developed a new way of online transportation service (only providing food-delivery service) can promote effectively gender equality by reducing the risks of sexual abuse.


Gender Equality; Online Transportation Service; Sexual Abuse; Shopeefood

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