A Ban on Notary Self Promotion as Public Official in Notary and Ethical Code Act
Article 4 paragraph (3) of the Notary Code of Ethics states that notaries and anyone who exercises or holds the office of a notary are prohibited from publishing or promoting themselves, either individually or jointly, by mentioning their name and position, by utilizing electronic media facilities and and/or print media, in the form of advertisements, thanks, congratulations, condolences, sponsorship activities, marketing activities, whether in the social, religious or sports fields. This paper aims to explain the violation of notary self-promotion as a public official and the application of sanctions for notaries who commit self-promotion violations. The forms of self-promotion violations include advertising activities, sales promotions, individual sales, public relations, direct marketing, word of mouth, and including publication through social media such as Instagram. and Facebook. However, until now there has not been found any notary who is subject to sanctions due to violations in the form of self-promotion.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v10i1.4269
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