The Significance of Indonesian Diplomacy in Bilateral Relations with Malaysia on the Case of Migrant Worker Protection
Migration is important to the global economy, however there are numerous issues that have yet to be resolved. The United Nations, as the International Government Organization, has created regulations for migrant workers, but this is insufficient because the involvement of the government that sends the worker is essential. The aim of this study is to examine the effort that done by Indonesian government in conducting the protection of migrant worker who works in Malaysia. Furthermore, because this is a qualitative study, direct observation was used to capture both governmental and non-governmental actors involved in resolving the case of an Indonesian migrant worker in Malaysia. The research findings from the interviews revealed that use of bilateral agreement with Memorandum of Understanding as a soft power diplomacy instrument could be effective in protecting migrant workers. However, the success of the Indonesian migrant workers protection requires participation from both Indonesian and Malaysian government.
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