Christianophobia: A Threat to Indonesian Pluralism and Religious Freedom
Christianophobia is examined as a threat to Indonesian pluralism and religious freedom in this article. But what happens when the underlying fear of distraction underlying the "ban" is realized in the absence of religious freedom? In the current Christianophobia discourse, how do we understand not only Christians who cannot be free, but also adherents of other minority religions who find it difficult to freely practice their religion and beliefs? In this paper, the author divides the history of Christianity in Indonesia using phobia theory and religious freedom to describe the case of Christianophobia in Indonesia. Using Marks' phobia and Lock's legacy of religious freedom to explain how phobias are practiced in the secular democratic nation-state of Indonesia. The method is qualitative-exploratory, and the approach is phenomenological. According to the findings of this study, Christianophobia has harmed religious harmony and diversity in Indonesia significantly. The phenomenon of mutual distrust of Christianity among Indonesian Muslims demonstrates this. To counter the threat of Christianophobia, present Christianity as a means of defending Indonesian nationalism and religious pluralism.
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