Marketing of Rural Tourism Destinations: The Role of Bumdes in Empowering Small and Medium Enterprises Products of Local Wisdom in East Java
This study aims to (a) identify the potential of rural tourism for the empowerment of MSMEs of local wisdom products in East Java and (b) analyze the role of Village BUM in empowering MSMEs in rural tourism. (c) develop a rural tourism marketing strategy based on local wisdom. The research design is applied research, with the subject of the study being a rural tourism object managed by the Village Owned Agency (BUMDES) in East Java. Research informants include BUMDES administrators, MSME actors, and tourists. Data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The results of the data analysis shows that the potential for rural tourism in Sanankerto tourism village, Turen District, Malang Regency is bamboo tourism "Boonpring" which has a collection the 115 largest bamboo in ASEAN. This tourist village is managed by BUMDES Kerto Raharjo. The potential of Pujon Kidul tourist village, Pujon District, Malang regency is a rice field café, which is a café designed to be located in the middle of rice fields managed by BUMDES Sumber Prosperous. While the tourism potential of Kendalbulur village, Boyolangu District, Tulungagung Regency is Nangkula Park, namely the innovation of Celosia flower tourism and sports that managed by BUMDES Larasati. From the three tourism villages, it can be seen that the role of BUMDES is almost the same, namely as a motivator for community empowerment to increase the original income of the village which is in Finally, it aims to improve the welfare of the village community.
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