Mapping the Construct of Obedience in Education
Obedience in the world of education is general education and religious-based education. Parameters of obedience with the rules are seen conventionally through the absence of behavior that violates the rules. However, the extent to which students interpret the rules requires more specific measurements. Therefore, a measurement concept is needed to map how students interpret the rules. This study intends to develop a measuring instrument that can map obedience through an approach to how students interpret the rules in the universities environment. Students who come from general-based and religious-based universities are involved in getting the classification of manifestations of obedience. The correlation techniques and component analysis found that religious-based students complied with the stages of accept, belief, and act. In contrast, the general (non-religious) students complied with the stages of accept, act, and belief. Therefore, this study recommends that it is necessary to study the obedience model in order to predict obedience factors.
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