The Empowerment Through the Fajr Prayer of Congregational in Palembang City
The movement for congregational prayers has become a favorite program for several governments in Indonesia at this time, as well as the local government of the city of Palembang so that it makes regional regulation number 69 of 2018 regarding congregational Fajr prayers. Based on this phenomenon, it is very interesting to study to reveal how the practice or application of the Fajr prayer of congregational and its implications in the city of Palembang. This qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach, while the data collection techniques are involved observation (participatory observation), interviews, and documentation. In-depth interviews became a data analysis technique, and the validity of the data used triangulation. The results of the study revealed that the application for the Fajr prayer of congregational in the city of Palembang has a model that researchers call SIMTAK, Fajr safari, Istighosah, Majlis Taklim, Tablig Akbar, Tausyah, and social activities. The implication of the congregational Fajr prayer movement is religious empowerment and economic empowerment.
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