Evaluation on Humanitarian Intervention in Myanmar: Is It a Placebo Effect?
Historically, humanitarian intervention has been used to support political and economic interests. As the globalization effect, humanitarian intervention was carried out sincerely to deal with a humanitarian crisis by providing assistance. Myanmar is a country that experienced a humanitarian crisis a long time ago. Various humanitarian intervention methods have been done in Myanmar to handle the humanitarian crisis. Since the military coup in February 2021, the crisis has escalated and the effectiveness of the humanitarian assistance is still questionable in dealing with the crisis. This article will evaluate the governance of humanitarian interventions provided by INGOs and how they resolve the humanitarian crisis. The analytical methods used were qualitative research that used theory of domestication policy. In evaluating the effectiveness of humanitarian intervention governance, the authors analyze it from the point of view of the international humanitarian agency and the Myanmar government. This study found that due to the domestic policy made by the junta, which seem not want to empower the people. Further evaluation is on the humanitarian assistance to Myanmar that is not covered the needs and only temporary or placebo effect.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v9i12.4225
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