The Effectiveness of Indonesian National Police Chief Regulation Number 8 Of 2011 Regarding Fiduciary Execution Protection
The present study analyzed the implementation of fiduciary execution protection particularly in Surakarta and Karanganyar Regency as it is mentioned in Indonesian National Police Chief Regulation number 8 of 2011 regarding Fiduciary Execution Protection (Hereinafter referred to as Peraturan Kapolri nomor 8 Tahun 2011). This study is classified as a descriptive-empirical study. This study took place in Karanganyar City Police, Surakarta District Court, and Karanganyar District Court. This study found that sociologically, Indonesian National Police Chief number 8 of 2011 regarding Fiduciary Execution Protection in Surakarta had been effective based on the expert observation. However, there was incongruence between the statement in the regulation and the field fact so that the regulation became less effective particularly in its implementation in Surakarta and Karanganyar Regency. It needed improvement so that the implementation of fiduciary execution protection can be in accordance with the Indonesian National Police Chief Regulation number 8 of 2011 regarding Fiduciary Execution Protection. So it can be clearly stated that the Indonesian National Police Chief regulation number 8 of 2011 regarding Fiduciary Execution Protection and its implementation effectively prevails.
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