Transformation of Coass Education (Reviewed from the Perspective of Modern Management at Puskesmas Baki Sukoharjo)
Educational institutions, especially Islamic education must play an active role in developing potential. However, the Islamic education system in Indonesia today is still questioned about the position and competence of its graduates. Therefore, Islamic education institutions must improve. One of the good improvement efforts to be done is on the strategic management and transformation of Islamic education. The purpose of this study is to determine the transformation of coass education in terms of management perceptions at the Baki Sukoharjo health center. The method used is descriptive qualitative, because the author intends to obtain an overview of the management of the implementation of coass education in PKM Baki. The techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that coass education during the guidance period was still encountered many obstacles, due to the lack of human resources (human resources) so that many personnel were not competent to be made educational personnel. The data in PKM Baki contains educational personnel or supervisors: general practitioners 5 people, nurses 7 people and midwives 14 people. But the problems encountered cannot be used as a reason to guide, namely the doctors who have carried out the s2 level are only one person, while the others have not carried out s2 lannjutan studies. Thus, it can affect the learning and teaching process at PKM. There needs to be an equalization of education that will become educational personnel and must be given training in accordance with management theory related to management at PKM Baki.
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