The Effect of Placement, Education and Training on Work Motivation of Civil Servants Study on Regional Secretariat of North Lombok Regency

Denda Patma Herawati, Hermanto Hermanto, Sri Wahyulina


The purposes of this study are: (1) To find out, analyze, and provide empirical evidence of the Effect of Placement on Work Motivation, (2) To find out, analyze, and provide empirical evidence regarding the Effect of Education and Training on Work Motivation, (3) To find out, analyze, and provide empirical evidence regarding the Effect of Placement, Education and Training on Work Motivation. The type of research is associative quantitative research. The data collection method used by the researcher is the census method involving 72 employees of the Regional Secretariat of the North Lombok Regency Government. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and data collection tools using questionnaires. The data analysis tool uses multiple linear regression analysis. Positive and significant effect on the Work Motivation of Civil Servants at the Regional Secretariat of North Lombok Regency,(2) Civil Servant Education and Training has a positive and significant effect on work motivation Civil Servant of the Regional Secretariat of North Lombok Regency, (3) Placement, Education and Trainingpositive and considerable effect on the Work Motivation of the Regional Secretariat Employees of North Lombok Regency. The results can be used as input and consideration for organizations, particularly the north Lombok Regency Regional Secretariat, in implementing Placement, Education, and Training to improve work Motivation Employee continuously.


Placement; Education and Training; Work Motivation

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