Legal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence based on Legislation Regulations in Indonesia
A legal relationship is a relationship between two or more parties (legal subjects) that have legal consequences (giving rise to rights and obligations) and are regulated by law. In this case, the right is the authority or role that exists in a person (the holder) to act on something that is the object of that right to other people. While the obligation is something that must be fulfilled or carried out by a person to obtain his rights or because he has obtained his rights in a legal relationship. Legal object is something that is useful, valuable, valuable for legal subjects and can be used as the subject of legal relations. While legal subjects are everything that can support their rights and obligations or have legal authority (rechtsbevoegdheid). In commercial activities, transactions have a very important role. In general, the meaning of the transaction is often reduced to a sale and purchase agreement between the parties who agree to it, even though in a juridical perspective, the terminology of the transaction is basically the existence of an engagement or legal relationship that occurs between the parties. The juridical meaning of the transaction is basically more emphasized on the material aspects of the legal relationship agreed upon by the parties, not the formal legal action. Therefore, the existence of legal provisions regarding engagements remains binding despite changes in media and changes in transaction procedures. Civil relations between the parties in electronic transactions are contained in electronic documents and are binding on the parties. An electronic contract is an agreement between the parties made through an electronic system. In this case the electronic document must be understood as a form of agreement of the parties, which is not only formulated in the form of an electronic agreement but also in the features provided, such as "I agree, I accept" as a form of agreement / agreement.
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