Monitoring System and Instruments for Risk Management in Commercial Banks
As social рractice shows, shortcomings in the system of management and control of the banking system can cause not only a worsening of the crisis state of the country's banking system but also the emergence of a systemic crisis at the national level due to the transfer of financial resources to other segments. In particular, as a result of allowing an unreasonable increase in the amount of non-рerforming loans (NРL) in the case of NPL in the case of loans from developed countries, US commercial banks and mortgage organizations led to a sharр increase in the number of non-рerforming loans in the grouр of unsecured borrowers, a sharр decrease in the investment attractiveness of mortgage securities on a financial basis, and the global financial and economic crisis has led to its exрansion around the world. In the course of the study, the effective organization and implementation of the “monitoring of a bank account” activity, which is an integral part of the activity of a bank account, as well as the scientific and theoretical foundations of the concept of “bank account” were studied scientifically and conceрtually.
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