Content Analysis of God's Covenants in the Holy Qur’an
One of the ways of the Qur'an to attract the audience to the speaker is calling. Many religious orders have been conveyed to the listeners by addressing them (O, you who believe), which is the most beautiful way. This article tries to understand the concepts hidden in these 89 speeches, with a qualitative method based on concept (thematic) analysis, which looks for the output of the basic, organizing and comprehensive themes related to the research problem, to answer this question: What are God's covenants in the Holy Qur’an and to what extent have they been addressed? In order to extract concepts and categorize them, several interpretations were studied. The results of the research showed that the number of 20 surahs of the Qur'an includes 269 covenants of God, and in total, 188 initial codes, 64 basic themes, 19 organizing themes were extracted under six comprehensive themes.
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