Influences of Product Attribute and Event Marketing Toward Customers’ Behavior in Buying a Car Toyota New Yaris

Andri Astuti Itasari, Andre Rahmanto, Yulius Slamet


Automotive industry grows up very fast at this time, which has big key in economic field, even in Indonesia. The purpose of this research s to know probability product attribute and event marketing which influence the customers in buying a car named Toyota New Yaris. Data are collected by observation and interviewing the customers who buy Toyota New Yaris and do not. This research use survey method. Analyze technique use regress logistic binary. The result of research shows that product attribute and event marketing influence significant toward customers’ behavior to buy Toyota New Yaris in simultaneously. Meanwhile, as individually test, it shows that product attribute significantly and probability value in 0,0008 (p<0,005), while event marketing is not give influence significantly to customers’ behavior to buy Toyota New Yaris with probability value 0,124 (p>0,05).


Product Attribute; Event Marketing; Customers’ Behavior; Toyota New Yaris; Regress Logistic Binary

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