Tracking Colonial Tracks in the Coastal of North Gorontalo: Study in Kwandang District
The purpose of this study was to determine the traces of colonial heritage in the North Gorontalo Coast, or more precisely in the Kwandang area. The method used in this research is qualitative description. Qualitative description is the process of describing research results found in the field by researchers in the research process. The results of the study are that especially in Kwandang, there are three Colonial relics, namely Fort Mas which is thought to be a Spanish heritage, although it is still not exactly certain, but from the results of previous studies it says so, as well as Fort Leiden or Orange which in sources- the primary source of its existence is always explained together with Benteng Mas, meaning that they both have important values. Likewise with Marsa's Tomb by Sander Uno, although not so much information has been obtained, his name Marsaoleh means one of the influential people in the Kwandang area at that time.
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