Regional Stability Rivalry in the Indo Pacific Region: China's Interests in Responding the AUKUS Trilateral Pact
Australia, United Kingdom, and United States (AUKUS) were formed as a technological transformation cooperation in building nuclear-powered submarines initiated by three countries namely the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom which are projected to minimize China's aggressive actions in the Indo-Pacific region. China opposes the agreement, arguing that the presence of the trilateral AUKUS pact can damage the security order, disrupt regional stability, trigger an arms race and weaken the principle of international non-proliferation due to the transformation of nuclear technology. This study uses qualitative research methods, using secondary data such as Scopus and Google Scholar, e-books, articles and news that have credibility written descriptively. The theory used to support this research is the theory of securitization of the Copenhagen School thought by B. Buzan, Ole Waever, and Jaap de Wilde by prioritizing the speech act and the assumptions of the traditional security approach. Considering this is a threat to China's supremacy in the Indo-Pacific region, China has begun to fight against AUKUS as speech act in the form of criticizing the dangers of AUKUS and military modernization measures to strengthen the Chinese military in the face of pressure from the AUKUS.
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