The Implementation of Leadership Styles in Improving Performance of ASN Employees at IAIN Curup
One of the primary factors influencing employee performance is leadership style. This study aimed to investigate leadership styles and how they were implemented to improve the performance of ASN employees at IAIN Curup. This study used a qualitative method and included six participants on purpose. The six participants included one AUAK IAIN Curup Bureau as the leader and five IAIN Curup ASN employees. The data were gathered through interviews and observation. To effectively analyze the data, an interactive model was used. According to the findings of this study, the head of the AUAK IAIN Curup Bureau used five leadership styles to improve the performance of IAIN Curup ASN employees. The director of the AUAK IAIN Curup Bureau employed bureaucratic, democratic, transformational, charismatic, and moralist leadership styles in this context. The five leadership styles were described in several competencies, such as discipline, active social, information provider, problem solver, open-mindedness, motivation provider, hard-working, comprehensive view, and open communication. It is hoped that future research will focus on leadership style variables on the basis of a quantitative standpoint to confirm the current study's findings.
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